Tree Pruning

Proper tree pruning is imperative to the health, safety, and longevity of a tree’s life. Improper pruning can reduce the lifespan of trees, causing undue stress and pathways for decay and pathogens. Stress can attract pests and lead to disease, however, our ISA-certified arborists are guaranteed to treat your trees right with special training and the right equipment.

Pruning is the most common type of tree maintenance, but why?

Reasons for pruning

  • Safety: Properly pruning a tree can help protect surrounding buildings, power lines, and manmade obstacles. Improper pruning will only create problems in the future.

  • Disease and insect prevention: Disease and insect infestations are often the results of underlying stress. To learn more about health and prevention, click here. Pruning is rarely a singular solution to most tree health problems but can make a substantial difference in some cases.

  • Strength: Leaving a tree’s natural form intact is crucial (special instances do occur) to its development of a strong crown. This means no topping, no stripping out the interior growth, and generally no over-pruning. Every species carries in it a biological blueprint for shape as well as typical size ranges. Attempts to “correct” the height or shape can end in disaster. Without proper pruning knowledge and practice, it’s possible (and likely) to cause more harm than good.

  • Weight reduction: Through various methods, branches are selectively (and carefully) pruned to help prevent failures due to weight, length, or excessive forces applied during windstorms or from heavy precipitation. Neglecting or mismanaging pruning can lead to competitive growth forms where branches prioritize elongation over necessary diameter development for support. This can result in structural failures due to excessive weight and length exceeding the capacity of thin branches.

  • Aesthetic: Some trees are in need of what some might call a “facelift.” It could be that a tree is very overgrown and hasn’t ever been pruned. Not only will pruning improve the overall appearance of the tree, but it will allow for proper light and weight distribution throughout the canopy.

  • Girdling roots: In regards to tree health, root pruning is arguably the most important type of pruning. Click here for more information.

  • Reconstruction: Oftentimes trees need what we refer to as Reconstructive Pruning. The goal here is to correct the form and growth habits of a tree that have been improperly pruned in the past (i.e. topping, lions tailing, over thinning). If you or someone you know has been affected by this type of pruning and are suffering the consequences, action can be taken to remediate the damage done. RP can also be applied to a tree that has gone uncared for and needs a reminder to, “Stand tall, chin up—you got this kid!”

Our Approach

Each tree demands a a personalized care plan. While general practices of pruning and the reasons they are utilized stay the same, it would be impossible to say that all trees are in need of any one method. Structures, health, risk tolerances and management, and previous form-altering pruning cycles all impact the current needs of a tree.

In pruning, our number one goal combines safety and preservation. Properly maintained trees should need minimal maintenance throughout the course of their life. For the tree, this means smiles and stress-free living. For the client, this means a cheaper lawn-mate camped in their yard. Our job is to get your tree to that place. If you are interested further in our process and how it aligns with your trees, as well as the cost, scheduling a consultation is the best place to start.

During the consultation, you'll be meeting with an ISA Certified Arborist and Qualified Tree Risk Assessor. You will be able to ask any questions that come up and you’ll be left with a slew of resources to verify the answers you’re given. Like the Lorax, we Speak For The Trees!

Click the button below to get started working with our ISA Certified Arborist.

“After buying a place with trees that had been neglected for over a decade, we entrusted Anthony and his crew to do a major pruning. He took the time to check out the job in advance, provided a bid—as well as explained why and how he could best get these trees back into shape—and explained our required after care. They arrived on time and even sent a confirmation of their arrival . We are so happy with their work . Anthony and his crew were professional, checked in with us as the job progressed, left our place spotless, and came in under his bid when he presented our itemized bill.”

—Customer review