Our Tree Crew

  • Anthony Constantine III

    Anthony is the Owner and Operator of Tony’s Tree service, as well as a resident ISA Certified Arborist and ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor. If you call or schedule an appointment online, this is likely who will be showing up at your doorstep to blabber on about trees for as long as you can stand it. Anthony grew up hanging with Tony (his father and the founder of TTS) and the crew from the time he was little. In time, he developed a passion for trees. Tree health, proper care, and preservation are the driving forces behind his passion for the industry. Anthony’s nit-picky attention to detail can, at times, be frustrating for the rest of the crew. “One more cut and I’m done,” he’ll say. Or, “Maybe just one more lateral back. No, no not that one. Yeah, THAT one.” The bright side to this is that you can rest assured every flake of bark or bug in your tree has been considered at least twice.

  • Alex Clark

    Alex has been with us at TTS for nearly a decade. You haven’t seen a guy work until you’ve watched Alex in motion. His work ethic and skillset qualify him as top notch in the field. If Anthony isn’t around, Alex can take the reins and run; he’s the first one to jump at any task, including the dreaded ones. Alex too has a lengthy background in the tree industry. Before starting with TTS he was hard at work with a power line clearance company, keeping the lights on for the folks of several counties. As he moved away from this position and into residential work, he quickly began acquiring skills and knowledge to manage tree health and aesthetics. Alex has, as they call it, a “ride or die” mentality, which is hard to find in any human these days. He’s the calm in the storm of Anthony’s shenanigans, ramblings, and over-eager ideas.

  • Eli Wright

    The year, 2022 marks the beginning of Eli’s time as a real-life Log Slinger. He found his way to our doorstep after seeing an ad for hired hands, and wouldn’t you know, tree workin’ is in his blood. With a background in cowboyin,’ you’ll find he’s not afraid of a long, hard day's work. Eli quickly went from the “new guy” on the crew to Avant Master Operator. He’s rough, tough, and has got a head on his shoulders that swivels faster than a new merry-go-round on the first day of summer. Eli is a staple in our operation and has already developed a keen eye for pruning and safety hazards on-site. He’s also great at keeping track of all of the things Anthony seems to misplace (mainly hand snips, keys, his water bottle, etc.) We look forward to (hopefully) many more years of watching Eli blossom into a tree guy the world has never seen.