Insect & Disease Control

Controlling pests and pathogens is easiest when trees are given the most ideal, stress-free growing conditions. Making sure your trees are well hydrated, especially in climates like eastern Oregon, is a great first step in keeping your trees healthy and happy. However, some pests and pathogens cannot be warded off entirely by proper growth conditions like hydration and may require the use of chemical treatments. Don’t worry, we can take care of most of these issues for you. And for issues we no longer treat, like pests in fruit trees that require monitoring and aerial spraying, we can point you in the right direction for products and information.

Reasons for Insect & Disease Control

The reasons here are fairly obvious! You want your trees healthy and strong for you and future generations to reap the long list of benefits that trees so happily provide!

Our Approach

Trees often fall victim to insect infestations or diseases and if left untreated, your trees could rapidly decline to a point of no return. Once damage has occurred to certain parts of a tree, it cannot be healed. In fact, trees do not heal wounds, they seal over or compartmentalize them. The problem with rehabilitating a tree that’s been left in decline for too long is that it could take many years to get the tree to a healthy state again. During those many years, the tree requires close monitoring from the owner, proper watering, yearly pest management applications, and more. It can be costly and frustrating—and in the end—you might still be left with a disfigured tree if one at all.

It’s best to give us a call right away if you notice your tree looking anything but beautiful and full. Trees do not immediately show signs of damage done. If you see excessive deadwood or a thinning canopy, you're seeing the signs of past damage. Waiting to call could compromise the ability to preserve your tree in its entirety. Be like the Lorax—speak loudly for your trees and let them know you care, and they’ll cast shade and joy upon your heart and home for many lifetimes.

Give us a call to have your trees evaluated for insect or disease infestation. If we confirm the existence, we will happily get you scheduled for proper treatments to combat these health and life-threatening problems. 

Click the button below to get started working with our ISA Certified Arborist.

“After buying a place with trees that had been neglected for over a decade, we entrusted Anthony and his crew to do a major pruning . He took the time to check out the job in advance, provided a bid—as well as explained why and how he could best get these trees back into shape—and explained our required after care. They arrived on time and even sent a confirmation of their arrival . We are so happy with their work . Anthony and his crew were professional, checked in with us as the job progressed, left our place spotless, and came in under his bid when he presented our itemized bill.”

—Customer review